So it's been a long time since I've been here and written anything. I'm inspired by my friends who have returned to their blog places, and also
My keyboard clacks again. My mind and heart churn. Much has happened since my 40th birthday. This year I will be 43. Three years. Many miles I've traveled to arrive here.
I posted this on FB the other day after thinking about June Shimokawa and her passage to the other side. Daniel Berrigan, SJ wrote the foreword for Dorothee Soelle's book "Against the Wind: Memoir of a Radical Christian." The last line of it reads, "Stand squarely in the world. And once there, withstand." I thanked June for teaching us this way. She was a wonderful leader who believed in peace and justice and made it her life's work. Here is Rev. Debi Lee's interview with June for the API Women, Faith and Action blog. Enjoy listening to June talk about life, faith and action.
I'm glad to be back here in this space. May this return be fruitful.