I just watched Arundati Roy on the different strategies of Resistance. She said something profound regarding our need for purity on the strategies of resistance. What we need is generosity for each other in embracing what we all do to resist in our struggles, be it for the end to the War in Iraq, decolonization, and the various movements for peace and justice in this world. Generosity is sometimes the hardest to give up when we are in the throes of doing and especially when we disagree with someone.
I wrote this sometime in August last year. Reading this now gives me pause as I remember why I thought it was important. In our efforts to make statements and make change for the better in our world, we come across people who may disagree with our viewpoint. In movements, where we fight to reclaim or defend a place, principle, people or an idea it is easy to forget the humanity of those whom we are trying to move even those we call allies or friends. Change is a process that requires compassion which in turn requires generosity on our part to be open to the other person's struggles with what we are asking for. We can push our way for something, and I've been in that position, meaning in my staunchness was unwilling to compromise. I remember the emotion behind that refusal. It was anger. I think I struggle with anger and what to do with that emotion around certain issues. Under that though is sadness. A good friend of mine taught me to look at what is underneath the anger. Most of the time it is sadness. An emotion that is hard to hold sometimes for it can be paralyzing.
Sometimes the cause for my sadness is seeking purity and not finding it. I strive for a place that exists only in my mind and refuse to see things for what they are. I refuse to accept what resides in people's hearts. I think that is a dangerous place to be, to refuse generosity to the differences in this world. To refuse to see people for where they are at and not respect that place just because it is not where I would want them to be. True compassion calls for embracing what is going on in other's hearts as we all struggle in the tides of Change. Change happens in this world in many ways. It can happen quickly in a flash or take time like the well worn stone found in a stream. We have to be open to all ways of change. That is my mantra for today: I am open to the many ways of change.
P.S. The photo was taken at Makua Beach after the Makua Valley Vigil for the Holidays. This is a value I hold dear, to engender hope during these times of great Change.
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